How Berocca® works

Did you know that Berocca® is the most widely clinically studied multivitamin-mineral to date? With evidence demonstrating beneficial effects on cognitive performance and potential increase in physical energy levels.

Berocca® use has also been linked to decrease in stress and anxiety symptoms and improvement of mood. Berocca® contains high doses of all eight B vitamins (B1, B2,B3, B5, B6, B9, Biotin and B12) and vitamin C, and it also contains zinc, magnesium and calcium. These vitamins and minerals have established biochemical and physiological roles in supporting several aspects of cognitive functions, and hence mental performance.

These vitamins and minerals are also required for optimum physical performance through their functions in energy metabolism and by other mechanisms, including supporting proper functioning of the neuromuscular junctions, protein synthesis or red blood cell formation. Read on to know more about Berocca® and its clinically proven benefits.

B vitamin icon

B vitamins (B1, B2, B3, B5, B6, B9, Biotin, B12)

They are essential in providing energy to the brain and the whole body through their role in the energy metabolism. They are also required for the production of certain neurotransmitters and hormones and for the integrity of neurons.

B vitamin icon

Vitamin C

Through its role as an antioxidant, it exerts neuroprotective effects. Is essential for the synthesis of certain neurotransmitters and neuropeptides and for processes generating cellular energy.

B vitamin icon


Is necessary for nerve conduction, neurotransmitter production and release, as well as for the regulation of the muscle contraction. As a signalling molecule, it’s crucial for protein synthesis and energy metabolism.

Magnesium icon


Is a cofactor of more than 300 enzymatic reactions, involved in energy production, neuromuscular functions and protein synthesis.

Zinc icon


A catalyst in numerous enzymatic reactions and a constituent of a wide range of receptors. Acts as a neuromodulator, and is also involved in the energy production.


Vitamin B1

Vitamin B2

Vitamin B3

Vitamin B5

Vitamin B6

Vitamin B12


15 mg


50 mg

23 mg

10 mg

10 mg


Vitamin C


Folic acid





500 mg

150 mg

400 mg

100 mg

100 mg

10 mg


  1. Popovic IC, et al. Swiss Journal of Integrative Medicine 1993;3:140–143.
  2. Willemsen G, et al. Eur J Clin Res 1997;9;175-184.
  3. Selishchev GS, et al. Journal of Clinical Research 1998;1;303-315.
  4. Schlebusch L, et al. S Afr med J 200;90:1216-1223.
  5. Carroll D, et al. Psychopharmacology 2000;150:220–225.
  6. Kennedy DO, et al. Hum Psychopharmacology 2010:211:55-68.
  7. Kennedy DO, et al. Hum Psychopharmacology Clin Exp 2011;26:338–347.
  8. Scholey A et al. Nutrients 2013;5:3589-3604.
  9. White DJ, et al. Nutr Neurosci 2017;20:8-22.
  10. White DJ, et al. Nutrients 2015;7:9005-9017.
  11. White DJ, et al. Front Aging Neurosci 2016;8:288.
Clinically proven benefits of Berocca®
    accordion 1 title
    • Energy is defined as your capacity of acting or being active1
    • How much energy you have is dependent on your physical stamina and general health and wellbeing, both physical and psychological. 
    chart 3


    Berocca® is associated with significant and sustained increase in feeling able to concentrate during the working day compared with placebo2.

    chart 2


    Taking one Berocca® tablet per day leads to increased mental performance, concentration as well as physical and mental stamina2

    chart 5



    1. Merriam-Webster. Available at: [Accessed 21 July 2020].

    2. Kennedy DO, et al. Hum Psychopharmacol Clin Exp 2011;26:338–347.

    accordion 2 title
    • Taking Berocca® daily as a supplement can help your cognitive performance and stamina related to mental tasks1-2.
    • Better cognitive performance means you can achieve your tasks more accurately1.
    • Improved mental stamina means better memory5 and the ability to concentrate better and for longer2-4.
    chart 1


    Berocca® is associated with improved cognitive performance (see graph) and reduction in mental tiredness compared with placebo.1

    chart 4


    Berocca® is associated with a significant and sustained increase in mental stamina during the working day compared with placebo. 2

    brain 1


    brain 2



    A single dose of Berocca® was shown to significantly increase functional brain activity in areas associated with working memory and attention6, compared with placebo.

    Brain areas associated with working memory



    28 days supplementation with Berocca® showed a significant functional brain activity increase in areas associated with working memory and sustained attention7, compared with placebo.

    accordion 3 title
    • Concentration is the ability to focus all of your attention on one thing. Better concentration can help boost productivity and improve your ability to learn2.
    • These changes are likely to translate into greater mental efficiency and performance.


    chart 6


    Berocca® is associated with significant and sustained increase in feeling able to concentrate during the working day compared with placebo4

    chart 7


    Berocca® is associated with feeling better able to concentrate compared with placebo1.

    graph 1


    66% of people who took Berocca® were able to concentrate better compared with baseline3


    1. Popovic IC, et al. Swiss Journal of Integrative Medicine 1993;3:140–143.

    2. Wulf G & Lewthwaite R. Psychon Bull Rev 2016;23:1382–1414.

    3. Carroll D, et al. Psychopharmacology 2000;150:220–225.

    Kennedy DO, et al. Hum Psychopharmacol Clin Exp 2011;26:338–347.

    accordion 4 title
    • Taking Berocca® is associated with significantly increased functional brain activity in areas associated with working memory and attention1 compared with placebo. 
    • Memory is your brain’s capacity to store and recall information. Working memory, or your short-term memory system, is involved in learning, reasoning and comprehension2.
    • The better your working memory, the more you are able to solve problems analytically3, which means improved mental performance.
    brain 2


    brain 1


    In people who took Berocca®, brain regions of significantly greater activation include the right precentral gyrus, and the left and right cerebellum compared with placebo group. Scientific evidence suggests the cerebellum plays a key role in working memory1.

    graph 2


    Compared with baseline, Berocca® is associated with over 60% decrease in the number of complaints of memory deterioration4


    1. Scholey A. et al. Nutrients 2013;5:3589–3604.

    2. Baddeley A. Science 1992;255:556–559.

    3. Wiley J. & Jarosz AF. Curr Dir Psychol Sci 2012;21:258.

    4. Selishchev GS, et al. Journal of Clinical Research 1998;1:303–315.

    accordion 5 title
    • Taking Berocca® is associated with significantly improved physical vigor compared with placebo1
    • Your physical stamina is the ability to stay active for sustained periods of time without experiencing fatigue. Fatigue is defined as the feeling of constant tiredness or weakness, which can be mental, physical or both2
    • When your vigor is improved, you feel more energetic, which leads to better performance, health and quality of life. 


    graph 3
    graph 4


    Berocca® is associated with significant improvement in fatigue and the feeling of “heavy limbs” compared with placebo3.

    chart 8


    Taking Berocca® is associated with significantly improved fitness and activity levels compared with baseline4

    chart 9


    People who take Berocca® report significant and sustained increase in physical vigor in the morning and evening compared with placebo5.


    1. Kennedy DO, et al. Psychopharmacology 2010;211:55–68.

    2. Better Health Channel. Available at: [Accessed 20 November 2018].

    3. Popovic IC, et al. Swiss Journal of Integrative Medicine 1993;3:140–143.

    4. Selishchev GS, et al. Journal of Clinical Research 1998;1:303–315.

    5. Kennedy DO, et al. Hum Psychopharmacol Clin Exp 2011;26:338–347.

    accordion 6 title
    • Taking Berocca® is associated with significant reduction in stress and anxiety compared with placebo1.
    • Stress is a natural reaction to being under pressure2, while anxiety is defined as an overwhelming sense of apprehension and fear3.
    • Reducing stress and anxiety has been linked to improved general health and quality of life4-5, and may have positive impact on mental6 performance.  
      chart 10

    People taking Berocca® reported significant reduction in stress and anxiety compared with placebo1.  

    chart 11


    Berocca® is associated with significant reduction in subjective stress compared with placebo7.

    graph 6


    While taking Berocca®, 72% of people with stress-related symptoms experienced improvement9


    1. Carroll D, et al. Psychopharmacology 2000;150:220–225.

    2. Mind 2017. Available at:

    [Accessed 20 November 2018].

    3. Merriam-Webster. Available at: [Accessed 20 November 2018].

    4. Eliasson, A et al. Chest 2010;138:913A.

    5. Endocrine Society. 2015. Available at: [Accessed 20

    November 2018].

    6. University of California – Irvine. ScienceDaily. 2009. Available at: [Accessed 20 November 2018].

    7. Kennedy DO, et al. Psychopharmacology 2010;211:55–68.

    8. Schlebusch L, et al. S Afr Med J 2000;90:1216–1223.

    9. Popovic IC, et al. Swiss Journal of Integrative Medicine 1993;3:140–143. 

    accordion 7 title
    • Taking Berocca® is associated with significantly improved mood1 compared with baseline.  
    • Mood is defined as your conscious state of mind, or predominant emotion2
    • Having a positive mood and outlook has been associated with better health and fewer illnesses, an effect that is sustained in the long-term3
    • Better mood can translate to improved physical and mental performance4,5
    chart 12


    Berocca®’s positive effect on state of mind was observed as significantly improved mood compared with placebo6-7

    chart 13


    This effect manifested through increased vigor6 and decreased feeling of depression/dejection7.

    graph 5


    67% of people5 with depression who were given Berocca® experienced improvements in depressive symptoms compared with baseline.


    1. Selishchev GS, et al. Journal of Clinical Research 1998;1:303–315.

    2. Merriam-Webster. Available at: [Accessed 20 November 2018].

    3. Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health. 2011. Available at:

    heart-disease [Accessed 20 November 2018].

    4. Kavanagh D & Hausfeld S. Journal of Sport Psychology 1986;8:112–123.

    5. Nadler, RT et al. Psychol Sci 2010;21:1770–1776.

    6. Kennedy DO, et al. Psychopharmacology 2010;211:55–68.

    7. White DJ, et al. Nutrients 2015;7:9005–9017.

    8. Popovic IC, et al. Swiss Journal of Integrative Medicine 1993;3:140–143.


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    Get more time in your day with less time shopping. Get your Berocca® Energy boost from a store nearby.

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